Everything you need to know about Game of Thrones

The new series of Game Of Thrones has begun and all anyone can talk about is how winter is coming. As the final series begins (sob) we take a look back at how the cast got on while filming together. Don’t panic though, no spoilers, theories or predictions were made about the new series in the making of this blog. If you have yet to watch it, I implore you too, you won’t regret it!

The Facts

The author of Game of Thrones is Geroge R. R. Martin.

It is the most successful TV series of all time.

The majority of the filming has been done in Northern Ireland, Croatia and Iceland. Other locations include Morocco, Spain and Malta.

Like any set there are bound to be a few pranks here and there, and producers David Benioff and Dan Weiss seemed to be the main culprit for them. One of the pranks they played was on Alfir Allen (Theon Greyjoy), where they sent him fake scripts which suggested that his character died and came back as a zombie.

The producers were not the only ones who seemed to enjoy pranking. Kit Harington (Jon Snow), pranked his now wife Rose Leslie (Ygritte) by putting his dead fake head in a fridge for her to find…. Savage!

Speaking of Rose Leslie, on her last day she was gifted her bow that she used. Speaking to ScreenerTV she said “They had changed the handle from the actual bow where my left hand grips it to a white leather strap, and then they had sewed on a silver clasp on one side and on that clasp was engraved ‘Kissed by fire,’ and then on the other side was the emblem of a red rose. It was very thoughtful and I was incredibly touched, and it made me cry even more.” I’m not crying, you’re crying!

George R. R. Martin has said that his wife said she would leave him if he killed off Sanza or Arya.

Having to fight in full armour and leather in Malta was tough for the cast, Sean Bean (Ned Stark) said that they wore ice packs under their costumes to combat the heat which was nearly 100 degrees.

While auditioning for her role as the mother of dragons, Emilia Clarke went all out to win the role and performed the funky chicken for the producers. Having done her audition she asked if there was anything else she could do. Emilia said “David Benioff was like, ‘You could do a dance, LOL.’ Like, as a joke. And I took him so seriously.… And it’s the only move I know, just the funky chicken.”

Jack Gleeson (Joffrey) received a letter from George R. R. Martin saying “Congratulations on your marvelous performance. Everyone hates you!” after the show had aired.

They may hate each other on screen but in real life Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) and Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) are actually best friends and had been way before the show. IT was actually Peter who suggested Lena to the producers. It is said that when their shooting schedules likes up, the pair share an apartment, drive to set together and are seen in the local pubs and restaurants together.

Sophie Turner (Sanza Stark) actually adopted the dog that played her direwolf. Lady may have met a sad ending on the show but Sophie’s mum managed to adopt her.

Chatting about her co-star Diana Rigg (Lady Olenna), Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell) said “Don’t play Scrabble or Words with Friends with Diana Rigg, she’ll beat you every time”.

When Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo) first met Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) he apparently tackled her to the ground and shouted “WIFEY”.

There was some real life tension on set as before the show, Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) and Jerome Flynn (Bronn) were in a relationship that ended badly. So badly that both of their contracts have clauses in them stating that they will not share scenes together and will remain apart on set.

Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth), said that the most grueling scene she ever filmed was the fight between her and The Hound. She spent 2 months training, 3-4 days a week with swordmaster to build up the stamina for that very fight.

Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy) is the brother of singer Lily Allen. Is her song ‘Alfie’ anything to do with him now I wonder?

Kit Harington has said that his performance in the rejected pilot scene is that bad that producers have threatened to release some of the clips he is ever complains too much!

The show has used 12,137 wigs and hairpieces over the 8 series.

Emilia Clarke’s wig colour and style was the result of more than two months of testing and seven prototypes. In the final series, Emilia dyed her own her for the role.

Before he was cast as the nasty Ramsay Bolton, Iwan Rheon was the runner up to play Jon Snow.

The composer Ramin Djawadi said that the idea for the title music of the show just came to him, and he whistled it while he was driving to the studio to write it down. This song will forever be in my head.

The dragons are named after people that Daenerys has lost. The biggest and strongest dragon was named Drogon. Sound designer Paula Fairfield, said Drogon is designed to sound similar to Daenerys late husband Khal Drogo. The sound team considers Drogon to be a metaphorical reincarnation of Khal Drogo.

Ed Sheeran made a cameo in series 7 as a soldier for the Lannisters. Not knowing he would be there Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) said that the script just said ‘Ed’. She said “I got to set and people weren’t really telling me what was going on, but I knew something was fishy. So when I saw Ed come into the makeup truck, I was very, very pleased.”

Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) has won 3 Emmys out of the 7 he has been nominated for.

Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell) has said that she only reads what she needs to of the script so that she can enjoy watching the series without spoiling them.

In the books, Daenerys has purple eyes, however the contact lenses caused issues for Clarke so the lenses were scrapped.

Kit Harington (Jon Snow) said that he managed to use his role to get out of a speeding ticket. Apparently the officer told him that if he told him if Jon Snow survived, he would not get booked.

More than 45 main characters have died in the first 6 series.

Thomas Brodie- Sangster (Jojen Reed) was 22 when he was cast to play the 13 year old.

The heart of a horse that Daenerys must eat was made from gelatin. Clarke said that it was still so foul tasting that her performance did not require that much acting.

Up to series 6, each episode cost about $6 million. However, for series 6, HBO gave the budget of $100 million which came to about $10 million per episode. Only ‘Friends” had a similar budget to this, however they spent most of the money for the talent whereas Game of Thrones is more for the production itself.

I am sure there are so many other behind the scenes stories so if you know any let me know!

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